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The Witch Prophecy Page 6
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Page 6
The man growled menacingly before he leaped at her and she stumbled back in fear. Her mind was working trying to come up with a spell, but fear was overriding her senses as the man yanked her by the arm.
“Where is he?” the man ordered in a hard voice.
“I don’t know,” she whimpered. She couldn’t believe that her mind had gone blank just when she needed it most, and she cringed from her own cowardice.
“We shall see about that,” the man said with a cruel smile before he knocked her out, and Abella cursed her own weakness before everything went black.
Chapter 7
Jessa frowned as she checked her watch for the fifth time noting that Abella was more than an hour late. She tried calling her phone, but it just kept ringing before it went to voice mail.
She would wait another thirty minutes on Abella’s front porch she decided when her phone rung. She answered it, “Abella, where the hell are you? I have been waiting over an hour for you to come home.”
There was silence on the other end before Caden said tersely, “Come home now, Jessa.”
“Caden,” she began, but he cut her off by hanging up on her and she frowned as she headed back to her car looking at Abella’s house one last time before driving away.
Caden frowned as he hung up the phone on his sister and his wolf howled, you do not think…
It is possible, he concluded to his wolf as he headed to the main room of the pack house.
Jessa arrived a few minutes later her face pale as Timothy walked over to her. He pulled her in his arms and asked, “Are you okay?”
She looked up at him and said, “Something is wrong because Caden never hangs up on me.”
They walked into the main room together where most of the pack was, and she was startled to see Mr. Alderman and the other council members still there as she was sure they were suppose to have left that morning.
“Caden,” she asked worry in her voice.
Caden looked at her as he began, “This afternoon I got a call from Ms. Helms who told me that individuals have been asking about me, and where the pack house was located. These same individuals have been spotted hanging around the school.” He looked at Jessa who stumbled to a chair and sat down as he continued, “It seems that a rogue pack has infiltrated the area. Someone relayed that earlier a young man was asking about me wanting some information. Another source said that a young woman was claiming that I was the father of her children and had left her asking where I could be found. We have discovered at least five different stories circulating trying to get information about me and the pack house location.”
He focused his eyes back on Jessa as he said, “I was worried about you because from what we have gathered, they have been watching you at school.”
Jessa pulled out her phone and dialed Abella’s number again. As the phone rung, she muttered out, “Please answer, Abella” but like before the phone rung then went to voice mail.
She turned stricken eyes to Caden, but tried again. She tried for three more times before pale as a ghost she told them, “Abella and I were talking at school today and yesterday we hung out after school. If they were watching me, they may have taken her to find out where the pack house was located.”
“Damn,” Caden said harshly as his wolf snarled at the news although they both had thought it more than likely when Jessa answered her cell phone earlier.
“Just great,” Jenna sneered. She gave Jessa a hard look as she stated coldly, “The damn human female won’t be able to handle what they will do to her. That is the reason your brother put precautions on individuals we don’t know being brought to the pack house, Jessa.”
Jenna turned to Caden whose face had hardened as she railed at Jessa, and she placed a hand on his arm.
She said in a caring note, “We should put the pack on alert for their attack.”
Caden barely heard her as his wolf was still snarling and becoming more aggressive.
WE NEED TO FIND HER NOW, his wolf snarled.
I agree so she does not tell the rogues where the pack house is located, Caden agreed trying not to think about the deep feeling in his gut that he did not quite understand.
That isn’t the only reason, his wolf howled at him, but it was all that he said.
Caden focused back on the conversation just as Jenna turned to Jessa again with a growl.
“If you only kept the damn human away, we wouldn’t have a problem right now,” she snarled as her eyes shifted to her wolf.
Caden went to go say something to Jenna when Mr. Alderman stepped in looking at Jenna.
“Please shut your mouth, young lady,” he ordered, and they all looked at him in shock.
Mr. Alderman was worried, but he knew where Abella came from and he hoped she would be all right.
He turned to one of the other council members and nodded his head before he left the room. He headed up to his room while the other council member would keep him informed of what they discussed in the meeting.
Walking into his room, he went straight to an old box that was similar to the one Abella had in her living room.
He opened it to reveal a clear round orb with a clear crystal in the middle of it, and the crystal was pulsating slightly in the orb.
“I hope you are watching over her, Glenda,” he muttered as he placed the orb on the windowsill where the orb began to pulsate with the crystal.
“Where is he?” the woman shouted at Abella.
Abella looked up at her with grey eyes full of pain but again she answered, “I don’t know who you are talking about.”
She prepared herself for the punch to the stomach and she wasn’t disappointed as she crumbled to her knees.
Since they woke her up four hours ago, they asked her the same questions repeatedly. Each time she gave them the same answer, and each time they hit her when the answer wasn’t what they wanted to hear. She already had a feeling that they were werewolves like Jessa because the woman before her was strong enough to break two of her ribs that wasn’t including the multiple bruises that she had already incurred.
The woman pulled her up by her hair and Abella flinched at the pain.
“I will get his location from you,” the woman snarled in her face before throwing her to the ground.
Abella gasped as her body protested the action and her grey eyes flashed behind her lowered lids as she began to chant under her breath. After she finished the chant, she looked up at the woman in front of her causing the woman to growl at her before grabbing her arm to pull her up.
“What in the hell are you looking at?” she asked in a deadly voice, and Abella lightly placed her hands against her stomach so lightly that the woman didn’t feel it. She threw her back down onto the ground, and this time Abella didn’t utter a word although her grey eyes lit with laughter as the woman turned to the man who just walked into the room.
If she did the chant right, Abella thought, watching them from under her lids then the woman who enjoyed torturing her would be suffering severe stomach pain for the next twelve hours.
Please mom, Abella pleaded as the woman came back over to her and picked her up only to toss her hard against the ground again, help me to be strong.
She was losing consciousness after her head hit the floor that last time, but for some reason before she blacked out completely, she saw a pair of black eyes in a hard face then nothing more.
A man stepped forward as his cold blue eyes looked over the young woman passed out at his feet and his blue eyes glinted with lust as his eyes went over her figure.
“Leave her there,” he said turning away.
They all walked out of the room and the door closed behind them. The click of the lock was heard in the silence of the room as the moon shined through the barred window and for one second, the moon shined upon the young woman lying on the floor before a cloud blocked it.
Three days later, Jessa went running into Caden’s office bumping into Mr. Alderman.
“Excuse me,” she
said turning to her brother, and asking, “You found Abella, Caden?”
His eyes were black as he nodded his head, but he didn’t speak as he was on the phone.
“Thank you,” he uttered before he hung up
Timothy, Gregory, come to my office, he mind-linked him before turning to Jessa hearing his Beta’s yes sir echo in his head.
A few minutes later, Timothy and Gregory entered his office closing the door behind them.
Caden spoke plainly as he said, “We found Miss Deans and we need to get a few fighters together to go after her. We are leaving in two hours.”
Later that evening, six wolves ran across an open field heading north. At the head of the wolves, there was a silver wolf with black eyes and the fur on his underbelly was pure white. The six wolves ran quietly heading for a compound that they could see in the distance with their sharp eyesight.
Be on guard, Caden warned through the pack link. They met resistance about a quarter of a mile from the compound. Caden and his highly trained wolves showed them no mercy as they took them down and continued with their mission.
Timothy, Caden said as they reached the compound. You and Terrie take the west side; Jeremy and Gregory take the east side, and Javier, you are with me going through the front door. We need to find Miss Deans and take her out of here quickly.
Yes Alpha, they chorused as they separated the closer they got to the compound.
The man let himself quietly in the room that filled with moonlight although none of it shined on the unconscious woman on the floor. Leaving the door partially opened, he walked more into the room to stand over the young woman. He licked his lips as he knelt down next to her hearing her moan in her unconscious state. She was black and blue from the constant beatings that she received in the last three days.
His eyes narrowed with lust as he ran a hand down her arm and then without a second thought, he yanked at the thin shirt covering her breast and it tore underneath his hand.
WAKE UP ABELLA NOW a voice screamed inside her head and Abella groaned as her body protested moving until she felt a cool breeze across her bare breast. Her eyes flashed open to see the man with the cold eyes looking down at her exposed breasts and his eyes gleamed with a strange light as he looked over her bruised flesh. Noticing that she was awake, he laughed before putting out a grimy hand and pinching one of her nipples, and Abella cried out at the pain as she forced her body to move rolling away from him.
She gasped as pain shot through her body, but she raised herself up on one elbow to look at him as he slowly got to his feet.
“Well, well,” he taunted, “It seems the little lamb has some fight left in her. Maybe we can have a little fun first before you tell me what I want to know.”
“No,” Abella cried out trying to scoot away from him and he laughed as he crossed the space between them with two steps, and yanked her up kissing her hard bruising her mouth.
Abella tried to fight him, but he was stronger than she was and he was enjoying her fighting him. Her eyes brightened with fear and just as he lifted his head, she moved her hand between them and saying a silent chant, she sent him flying across the room hitting the wall. Just then, the door slammed open and a silver wolf came growling into the room.
The man snarled and shifted into a dark brown wolf, and Abella stood there weak leaning against the wall her mouth bruised and bleeding, and her shirt torn revealing her breasts.
Caden saw the look in Abella’s eyes and his wolf growled even louder before another growl entered the room. The dark brown wolf with the cold blue eyes launched at Caden, but Caden’s wolf was angry as the wolf’s smell hit him.
He smelled the same odor coming from Abella and his wolf was pissed because he had a good idea what would have happened had they not found her in time.
The cold blue eyes of the brown wolf widened when Caden’s wolf met him full on and took him down. Then his wolf clamped his teeth around his neck and bit down rendering him unable to move, but Caden’s wolf wasn’t satisfied and bit the rest of the way before tearing out his throat.
Abella watched as the silver wolf literally tore the other wolf’s throat out and she collapsed to the ground in a dead faint as her bruised body hit the floor hard.
Caden mind-linked the others, we found her. Is everyone okay?
Yes, Timothy and Dave said.
Yes, Jeremy and Gregory responded.
Javier had followed him into the room and Caden shifted into his human form as he strode over to Abella. He picked her up slowly as Javier handed him a blanket he found in one of the other rooms. Caden covered her with the blanket pulling her tight to his chest.
Caden froze for a second as his wolf sighed and relaxed completely for the first time in three years.
Puzzled, Caden looked down at Abella’s face before he tugged the blanket tighter around her before nodding his head to Javier who preceded him out of the room. Caden couldn’t help his action as he tucked Abella closer to his chest as they met up with the others outside and headed home. The compound was quiet and the moonlight flickered for a moment over it, and one could see the dead wolves lying around before the moonlight disappeared entirely.
Jessa paced back and forward in the hallway of the pack house chewing on her bottom lip glancing at the clock.
“They should have been back by now,” she muttered to no one in particular.
Jenna grunted, “They probably walked into a trap. We don’t know how much your friend told them.”
Jessa threw her a hard glare before she gasped and so did the mates of the other men who went with Caden and Jenna frown as she looked at them.
Asilynn, the human mate of Gregory, stated in her quiet way, “They are on their way home.” She smiled as she repeated what Gregory had told her, “No one was hurt and they got her.”
A quiet cheer went up although Jessa knew there were some members who blamed Abella for the entire rogue issue.
“The Alpha should just kill her,” someone muttered and there were a few nodded heads agreeing with the statement.
Mr. Alderman frowned from where he stood in the back of the hallway in the shadows. He would take Abella with him before he allowed them to kill her.
Jenna broke into his thoughts as she said, “It is possible she is close to dying and Caden just wants to make sure that she didn’t tell them anything.”
There were some relieved breaths at the news even if it was opportunistic if not unrealistic.
Jessa gritted her teeth as her hands clenched into fists, and her eyes darkened as her wolf began to come to the surface.
Her anger was diverted at the sounds of footsteps on the porch.
Timothy opened the door and all the men filed in followed by Caden carrying a bleeding and bruised Abella in his arms.
Jessa’s eyes widened at her friend in her brother’s arms and she whispered quietly, “Caden.”
Caden’s eyes were dark and his face was hard as he said tersely, “She is alive, but severely injured. Dr. Olsen?”
The pack doctor rushed forward and looked at the young woman in his Alpha’s arms.
“Let’s take her up to the infirmary so I can get a better look at her,” the soft-spoken man said.
Caden nodded his head as he respected him and said over his shoulder, “Timothy, let’s send out an extra patrol to be on the safe side.”
He followed the doctor up the stairs when suddenly he stopped before looking over his shoulder and saying to shock them all, “Thank you” directing his comment to the men who went with him. They each nodded their head to him before he continued up the stairs behind the doctor.
“Weird,” Javier said as his mate cuddled into his chest.
“What is it, honey?” she asked him looking up at him glad that he was back and safe.
“Caden,” he said absently looking down at her. “When we entered the room where they were keeping her, he lost it when it clicked in both of our minds that the bastard had tried something before we got there. H
er shirt was torn and her lips were bruised and bleeding. I don’t know how she was able to get away from him especially from what we were able to see, she could barely stand.”
He shook his head as he leaned down to kiss his mate and everyone went into the living room except for a few people.
Jessa was sobbing in Timothy’s arms and he rubbed her back gently trying to sooth her.
Jenna was looking up the stairs with narrowed eyes and if one looked closely, they could see her claws extended.
However, it was the astonishment on Mr. Alderman’s face that would have shocked them all.
Is it possible? He thought to himself as the other council members talked among themselves. Is that what you saw Glenda? Could your daughter be the witch from the myth? Is that why you wanted her to be free when she turned 17 so she could come to this town?
There were no answers to his questions and his silver eyes took on a different light as he lifted them to the second floor where Caden had carried Abella.
Chapter 8
“Lay her there,” Dr. Mac Olsen told Caden privately wondering about the concern look in his Alpha’s eyes.
Caden gently placed Abella on the cot and she moaned quietly at the action.
Caden frowned and sent the doctor a worried look.
“I thought it was possible,” Dr. Olsen murmured taking his stethoscope out of his pocket and placing it against the young woman’s chest listening to her heart, and breathing. “By the way, there is a change of clothes in the desk.”
Caden gave him a disgruntled look before he did as he suggested and went over to the desk for the change of clothes, but he was back over to them quickly.
Dr. Olsen gently removed Abella from the blanket wrapped around her and noticing her torn shirt, he looked up at Caden who growled low in his throat. Deciding that he wouldn’t ask what happened, he gently removed the torn shirt from her noticing how Caden’s eyes glowed with a hint of jealousy as he removed the shirt.
“What was possible?” Caden asked trying to keep his mind and his wolf distracted from the doctor putting his hands on Abella.