A Ghost of the Past Read online

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  “Oh, Cord,” his stepmother said with a sigh, “I hope it is only you having fun because I really don’t think she is the forever kind of person.” Cordial just laughed and changed the topic. After dinner, he headed up to the guest bedroom to check what his stepmother wanted him to check. He was surprised to discover that there was nothing wrong, but a few loose bolts, which he tightened, then headed back downstairs.

  “All done Lucille,” he said and she smiled at him.

  “We are heading out now,” Ray said her smile a little stiff. Todd nodded his head as she grabbed his hand in his, and Cordial nodded his head too.

  “I am going to go too. Thank you for dinner,” he said smiling at them all, and followed Ray and Todd out of the house.

  “Congratulations, sis,” Cordial said giving his sister a big hug and her eyes filled with tears.

  “Thank you,” she said softly wishing in her heart that he could find someone to love himself. She had never really liked Charity for her brother but he seemed happy with her for a time. She frowned slightly as she watched him get into his truck and drive away.

  “Ray,” Todd said taking her into his arms, “he will be fine. Have you noticed that his eyes do not seem to be as bloodshot as they have been normally?”

  Ray gasped at that and then she said with a frown, “But he has been seeing Susie?”

  Todd laughed as he hugged her before helping her into his car, “Something tells me that Susie is not the reason he has slow down his drinking.” He closed the door on his last statement and she sat quietly as he drove them to his house.

  Pulling her inside, he said between kisses, “Let’s not worry about your brother, and enjoy the rest of our night.” He kissed her soundly and that was the last words that they spoke for the rest of the night.

  Later that evening, Susie called Cordial’s phone and he answered on the third ring.

  “Hey baby,” she purred when he answered.

  “Hello, Susie,” Cordial answered as he walked into his kitchen grabbing a bottle of beer from his refrigerator.

  “I thought maybe I could come over to your place and keep you company,” she said with a cooing voice.

  “Not tonight, Susie, I just got back from my fathers’ and I am tired,” Cordial said and he thought to himself, not ever.

  “I thought you had dinner over there the other night,” she said sharply.

  Cordial sighed at how possessive she sounded, “I did but it was a celebration for Ray and Todd becoming engaged.” Susie squealed with delight and started asking a dozen questions but it was the last one that caught his attention as she said, “I cannot wait for I am sure that I will be your date to their wedding. I am going to start looking for my dress right away. Goodnight, sweetheart.” She hung up before he could say a word, and he just shook his head as he flipped his phone closed. He finished his beer then headed to bed because he wanted to make sure that he was early tomorrow.

  Chapter 9

  Shay was awake and making breakfast when Nettie walked into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Miss Nettie,” she said as she finish cooking the bacon and was starting on the eggs. Some of the guests preferred scramble and the others fried so she did both.

  “Shay,” Nettie said with a hesitant voice but before she could finish another voice interrupted.

  “That smells good. Nettie, do you think I could get a plate, please?” and both women turned to see Cordial standing in the doorway. Shay felt her heart skip a beat before it started hammering in her chest and she quickly turned back to the stove. Stop it, she told herself as she finished cooking breakfast. She made two more plates, which she put on the kitchen table for Cordial and Nettie, and then she brought the other plates out. By the time she was done delivering the others breakfast, Nettie and Cordial were done eating.

  “You are a great cook,” Cordial said looking at her with a smile, and she nodded her head as she started cleaning up the mess she made.

  “Go ahead and sit down, Shay,” Nettie said taking the pan from her and pushing her towards the table. Shay sat down and Nettie gave her a cup of coffee. Cordial looked at her with a frown, “You should eat something.”

  She took a sip of her coffee before she answered, “I rarely eat breakfast. Besides, it takes too much time just to make one plate for just myself.” She finished her coffee and rinsed out the mug before going into her room grabbing her jacket and her birth certificate placing it in a notebook that she was taking with her.

  “I am ready when you are, O’Ryan,” she said coming out of her room. Cordial looked over at her and he smiled on the inside as she glared at him. She wore a purple sweater that hugged her breast with a pair of black jeans, and she had on a pair of ankle black boots.

  “Let’s get going,” he said standing up acting indifferent although his first impulse was to drag her into his arms. “See you later, Nettie.”

  “We will be back later, Miss Nettie,” Shay said following him out to his truck.

  He opened the passenger door for her and she looked up at him in confusion before climbing into the seat. He closed the door behind her and walked around to the driver’s side sliding in.

  “Where are we going?” Cordial asked as he started the truck.

  She looked over at him then looked at the window as she replied, “Saint Michael’s Hospital in Little Creek.” Cordial glanced over at her then he pulled out. He turned on the radio, which was playing Toby Keith’s I love this bar. He started singing along and Shay listened to his baritone voice as she hummed along with the song. He turned down the radio after the song went off and said, “So tell me why we are going to this hospital?”

  She turned to him and she tilted her head as if she was wondering to tell him the truth.

  “What if I told you that I am trying to find out why your fiancée and I look so much alike?” she said finally and his head swerved around to look at her. “You asked me and I decided to tell you the truth.”

  “So what are you looking for?” he asked his tone was harsh, but Shay continued to look at him.

  “Would you be surprised if I told you that her birthday and my birthday is the same,” she said and this was said softly. Cordial felt his jaw tense, but he did not say anything. He reached over and turned the radio back up and Shay turned back around to look out the window. They were almost there when Shay finally started talking more because she needed to talk.

  “I only wanted some supplies as I was heading to a new job. When I saw the sign for the exit, something told me I should not make the turn. Yet when the turn came, I found myself making the turn anyway.” She sighed and said softly, “I should have just kept on going.”

  Cordial could not help his comment, “I am glad that you did not.” Shay could not help the laugh that came out of her mouth.

  She turned to look at him, and Cordial saw out of the corner of his eye at her flashing green eyes before she said, “Of course, you are. It is not every day that someone gets a second chance with someone who looks like the one they love.” Cordial slammed the truck to a stop, put the truck in park, and twisted in his seat. His silver eyes were narrowed on her, “I resented you the moment I saw you. You may look like Charity but you are nothing like her.”

  Shay held his stare although she wanted to turn away. “Good because I am not Charity McCloud.”

  Cordial clenched his jaw tightly then he could not stop himself. He yanked her hard into him and he saw her green eyes flash in surprise before he crashed his lips to hers. He did not stop to think, he only kissed her roughly, and the passion flared between them as Shay groaned and began to kiss him back.

  Shay had been shocked when he grabbed her and when he kissed her, she had tensed. Then it was as if someone had lit her on fire, and she could not help kissing him back. His hand was tangled in her hair while the other was urging her closer, his lips slanting over hers while his tongue penetrated her mouth. Shay lifted her arms to circle his neck while she buried her hands into his black hair.
Then it was over. Cordial pushed her away and she slumped in her seat. Her green eyes dazed and locked on his, her breathing ragged. Cordial eyes were like steel and his breathing was just as ragged, and his eyes moved down to watch her breasts move up and down with each breath she took. He could see clearly the affect he had on her as her nipples were outlined against the body-hugging sweater. His eyes lifted again to hers, and he whispered in a harsh voice, “No, you are definitely not Charity” before turning back to put the truck in drive. If he had waited, he would have seen her face go pale and her lovely green eyes dim as his words struck her. She turned her head quickly to look out the window as she controlled her emotions. She just had the most amazing experience with that kiss, and he told her that it did not compare to a dead woman. Shay had never felt so humiliated or rejected in her whole life. How stupid can one person be, she thought to herself.

  Cordial focused on his driving as the kiss went through his head. He had never felt like that before even when kissing Charity. It felt as if his body had caught on fire, and the only thing that could put it out was her, Shay. He wanted so badly to pull the truck over and finish what they started, but he had kissed her in anger. He did not want them doing anything in anger, and he knew without conceit that they most certainly would be finishing what they started even if he had to wait forever. He glanced over at Shay who had her head turned away, and he saw her reflection for a moment before it cleared. There were tears in her eyes, and her face looked as if someone had sucker punched her.

  “Hey,” he said reaching out a hand to her, and he felt her tense under it, “what is wrong?” He asked the question as they pulled into the hospital’s parking lot. He parked and turned back to her as she tried to open the door.

  She answered him before he could say another word her voice was devoid of all emotion, “I am sorry that I made that comment about Charity.” Then much softer that he almost did not hear it, “I am sorry that I do not compare to her in any way.” She climbed out slamming the door behind her and was already walking across the parking lot when her words finally hit home. Cordial’s eyes widened and he was out of the car and across the parking lot before Shay entered the hospital.

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side. He put a hand under her chin to lift her eyes to his and he looked at her briefly before he lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss was gentler but it had the same effect. Shay moaned in the back of her throat as Cordial deepened the kiss bringing her close to him. Both his hands were on her lower back pressing her firmly into him. When they broke apart, they were both breathless and she opened her eyes looking at him with confusion. He placed his forehead against hers as he admitted softly, “When I said you were not Charity, I meant it. Charity never had the affect on me as you do.” He kissed her again before pulling away from her, and Shay moaned at the lost of contact.

  He laughed lightly although it was a little gravely. “Let’s go inside so we can find some answers.”

  Shay nodded her head as she closed her eyes to get her bearings and she opened them to scowl at Cordial who laughed taking her by the arm pulling her out of the corner where they were standing.

  He placed a hand on her lower back ushering her through the revolving doors to the desk where Shay asked where the records floor was.

  Once told they headed in that direction. She had left her birth certificate in the car unfortunately because of a certain someone, but she could work around that.

  “Hi, may I help you?” said an older woman when they went through the door. Shay smiled at her as they walked up to the counter.

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said, and then she explained, “I lost my birth certificate while I was moving. I am supposed to be at a new job in a few days but they want me to have a copy of it. Is there anyway that I could get one?” The woman frowned as she looked at them, but Shay did not move a muscle and the woman nodded her head.

  “What is your day of birth?” she asked turning to the computer near her.

  “March 19, 1987,” Shay said without hesitation. The woman gasped as she looked at her, and then she said, “Which one are you, Charity or Shay?”

  Shay had to grip the counter hard as she looked at her, and whispered, “What?”

  “ I was here at that time. Twins were born to an unhealthy woman who if the rumors were true had an affair with a married man. She had twin daughters whom she named Charity and Shay. She made sure that we wrote down the first names she wanted and she died not too long after. The father showed up a little afterwards.” The woman shook her head, as she said with a hint of sympathy, “It was heart breaking at what he did. The oldest one Charity was born healthy, but the youngest one Shay had a harder time because her mother had been fading out as she was being born. They almost lost her twice before she finally was born. By the time the father arrived, she was on oxygen and her little body was covered with tubes. He took one look and told the hospital that he would take the older daughter, but the second one, if she got well, could go into a home. The next day, he was back to pick up Charity as his youngest daughter fought for her life.” Then she looked at Shay again, and asked, “Are you Charity or Shay?” Shay knew that she expected her to say Charity and for a moment, she considered it but she was not Charity. She would never be Charity.

  “I am Shay, ma’am,” she answered firmly although her voice wobbled at the end. What happened next amazed Shay for the woman smiled at her with shining eyes.

  “I always thought he gave up on you too soon for you hung in there days later even after others said you should have died. You, my dear, are a fighter. Always remember that,” she said taking Shay’s hands into her own. “Let me get that birth certificate for you.” Letting go of Shay’s hands, she turned back to the computer and Shay held still although she still felt Cordial’s hand on her lower back. She put her head down and he whispered in her ear as he started to rub her back lightly, “What are you thinking?”

  Shay said quietly, “Not even my own father wanted me, how pathetic is that.”

  “Here you go my dear,” the woman said handing her a print out of her birth certificate but she had to see her id first. Shay was quick to show it to her and she smiled as she gave Shay the document before telling them goodbye. They walked out of the office and out of the hospital. Once they got to the truck, Shay leaned against the door, and she started to cry. She cried quietly that Cordial would not have even know if he had not seen her shoulders shake slightly before he swung her around and pulled her into his arms. He rubbed his hands up and down her back as she cried into his chest.

  “Why?” she repeated softly, and Cordial did not have an answer for her. He just held her as she cried and he continue to rub her back. He wanted to know the same thing for Charity never said anything about having a twin sister, and he wondered if she even knew.

  They now knew why she looked so much like Charity, but what still confused Shay was why someone was threatening her?

  “Why was Charity killed?” Shay asked Cordial and he pulled back to look at her. Her face was red from her crying her eyes were bloodshot and the green were dim with unhappiness. He wiped her face with his hands as he said with a touch of desperation, “I honestly do not know.” In that moment, Cordial felt that he needed to find out before he loses something more precious than Charity as he looked down in to the green eyes that were similar to Charity’s but had so much more reflecting in them. He leaned down and kissed her gently as he promised, “But we will find out.”

  Chapter 10

  Shay leaned her head back against the headrest as Cordial drove away from the hospital. She was thinking about what the woman had said and she finally had the answer to the question that had haunted her growing up in the orphanage. While in the orphanage, she would have families to come pick her up, spend the day with her, say that they would be back to get her, but they never did. She thought that it was probably in her file that she had problems at birth and nobody wanted a sickly child unless it was their own.

; She sighed soundlessly as she closed her eyes. Her own father did not want her and she laughed at herself. He wanted Charity, the healthy one, and then her thoughts turned to the man next to her and the town, they were going in to. The looks and stares that she had received since coming to this town is nothing compared to the bruising of her heart right at this moment. The Charity they knew was different from the Charity that were in her dreams, but she was loved that was one thing that was very clear.

  “Are you okay?” Cordial asked taking his eyes from the road for a second to look at her.

  “Fine,” she answered with a small smile. He nodded his head as he returned his attention towards the road.

  Shay continued to look at him as he drove. She wondered if he realized that back there when the clerk asked if she was Charity or Shay, just for a second his hand tensed on her back. He said that he never felt the same way when Charity and he kissed as he did with her, but for that moment, she had the impression that he wished that she were Charity. She was just a replacement for his lost love even if he did not realize it. The fact that he was attracted to her helped a lot for him, but the opposite of her being attracted him, made her heart break for she knew that he would never look at her and see Shay, but he would always see Charity. As he said earlier before he kissed her in anger, he resented her; he resented the fact that she was alive and Charity was not. She laughed at herself as she looked out the window on her side for she was jealous of her twin sister, her dead twin sister that she had never met or even knew she had. She hoped Matt her car ready soon for she really needed to get out of this town before she did the unthinkable and fell in love with her twin sister’s fiancé, she already had feelings for him including the desire that she felt for him.

  “Hey, look,” Cordial began as he slowed to take the turn into Pine Valley, “Would you…”

  His cell ringing interrupted what he was about to say and with a frown he pulled it out of his shirt pocket.